Thursday, September 18, 2008

Psychological Experiment

Submitted to:
Justin Freiberg
Course Instructor

Money is necessary for human life because of it is main currency for interchangeable wealth.

There is a picture; here a van puller who drives his van. His face is so smiling. And some of the people sit on his van. They are a family member. They are going to there home from the city. But they are not happy .They are alarmed. Because that day is stuck, that’s why every bus, human holler, and other vehicles have closed without van and rickshaw.
Now the question is why the van puller is smiling? But he is hared working. Why people alarmed who sit in the van.

That day was obrod. Bus and human holler has closed in this day. Some rickshaw and van is running on the road. That’s why the entire family member sits on the van. But they have to pay much money environment is not so good. In the road where is very anarchy. So they are alarmed. On the other hand the van puller was so smiling because we know he would income more money today. That’s why he is smiling though he is hard working. This picture will be change dramatically. If obrod is suspended today. Then we can see the van puller sit on his van. But there have no passenger. So we can see this van puller is a actor in the obrod day. And other day he is not happy at all. Because his have not enough income that’s day. My hypothesis is money makes people happy than goods. Money has value and money is exchangeable for goods.

Psychological experiment: For my psychological experiment laboratory will be in ULAB and outside.

At first I have choose three groups of people. First two groups from ULAB: one group is made up of ten students; the other group is made up of ten professors. The third group is made up by ten Rickshaw pullers.

Those three groups of participants selected from different professions because they are from different social classes and their needs and choices are also different. Not only their professions are different; their age and sex is also different.

I ask some questions that are very relevant to their lives (set-1, see attacked). The question is about the value of money or goods to a particular individual. In the problem sets I have included seven conceptual objects and seven normal objects representing goods that’s have value. We know money is a valuable thing. They have chosen objects or money. The three chosen groups from the general population have chosen differently. Though my class mates (Shafiul and Mahamud) help me for this experiment

For more representative results, I have asked male, female and different groups. I have careful about my hypothesis because participants could be hypothesis guessing for what purpose I am collecting their answer. They would not know and I will not give any clue why I am collecting their answer. If they do question to me what kinds of product or it is small or long. But I have not given their questions answer.

Independent variable for my psychological test will be three groups of participations motivational level depend on like-sex, profession, age. Dependent variable of my experiment will be result of their choice.

My hypothesis is most of the Rickshaw pullers will choose money rather than conceptual and general objects. But some Rickshaw pullers who are old (up to forty-five years) will choose conceptual objects rather than money. This is because they are very experienced in their lives. They know family is important for happiness rather than money. And most of the students will choose money rather than general and conceptual objects because most of the time students are facing money problems. But female students will choose conceptual objects rather than money and general objects. And all of the professors will choose both general and conceptual objects rather than money. Because they are idealistic and can distinguish choose. They think if some one is not honest, has no friends or has no love, that man is not happy.

Problem Set-1


I will ask some questions that are much related to our life. Now which one do you prefer most (general, conceptual objects or money).

serial Objects(general and conceptual) Money
1 A banana/(akti kola) 2 taka
2 A pen /(akti kolom) 5 taka
3 Good health/ (soo sahasto) 1 lakh
4 New shirt/(notun jama) 250 taka
5 Love/(valobasa) 1 lakh
6 Better job/promotion/(cakrir unoity) 2 lakh
7 Honesty/ (satata) 50 thousand
8 A cup of tea/(ak cup ca) 3 taka
9 Human beauty/(manobic soungargo) 50 thousand
10 A bottle of mineral water/(ak bottle bisuddha pani) 10taka
11 Food(lunch)/(doopoorar khabar) 50 taka
12 Keeping a friend/(bonduthata) 50 thousand
13 Responsibility/dhaiatta) 1 lakh
14 Good advice/(valo oopodes) 50 thousand

I have asked the same problem set to my all three group of population but get different kinds of result for different groups.

My psychological experiment result
Object name
Question no
Student’s choice (10 person) Professor’s choice (10 person) Rickshaw puller’s choice (10 person)
Object Money Object Money Object Money
1 8 2 7 3 9 1
2 5 5 8 2 9 1
3 9 1 9 1 10 0

General 4 7 3 5 5 8 2
5 6 4 9 1 9 1
6 9 1 9 1 10 0
7 9 1 10 0 9 1
8 10 0 9 1 8 2
9 8 2 9 1 9 1
10 6 4 8 2 10 0
11 6 4 8 2 10 0
12 9 1 9 1 8 2
13 6 4 9 1 9 1
14 5 5 8 2 10 0

My hypothesis was most of the Rickshaw pullers will choose money rather than conceptual and general objects. But some Rickshaw pullers who are old (up to forty-five years) will choose conceptual objects rather than money. This is because they are very experienced in their lives. They know family is important for happiness rather than money. And most of the students will choose money rather than general and conceptual objects because most of the time students are facing money problems. But female students will choose conceptual objects rather than money and general objects. And all of the professors will choose both general and conceptual objects rather than money. Because they are idealistic and can distinguish choose. They think if some one is not honest, has no friends or has no love, that man is not happy.
But my result is not true. The experiments result is most of the rickshaw pullers choose object rather than money and students have choose object than money.
My next hypothesis was that professors always will chose object rather than money.

My experiment shows that it is true.

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